Our success is built together with our partners and customers around the world, becoming the leading exporter of cinnamon (Cassia) in Vietnam. Always meet the demand of customers with..
Our success is built together with our partners and customers around the world, becoming the leading exporter of cinnamon (Cassia) in Vietnam. Always meet the demand of customers with..
Head office: Cau Vai Village, Mau Dong Commune, Van Yen District, Yen Bai Province, Vietnam.
Factory: Minh Khai Village, Quang Minh Commune, Van Yen District, Yen Bai Province, Vietnam.
Ms. Lisa: +84 383 234 316 (Lisa@quetienthanh.com)
Mr. William: +84 979 043 8 19 (Info@quetienthanh.com)
Ms. Anya: +84 936 509 077 (Anya@quetienthanh.com)
Mr.Robert: +84 981 217 643 (Robert@quetienthanh.com)
Head Office : Cau Vai Vil., Mau Dong Com., Van Yen Dist., Yen Bai Pro., Vietnam.
Branch Office: No. 15, Road 1, CityLand Park Hills Residences, Ward 10, Go Vap Dist., Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Factory: Minh Khai Vil., Quang Minh Com., Van Yen Dist., Yen Bai Pro., Vietnam.
Ms. Lisa: +84 383 234 316 (Lisa@quetienthanh.com)
Mr. William: +84 979 043 8 19 (Info@quetienthanh.com)
Ms. Anya: +84 936 509 077 (Anya@quetienthanh.com)
Mr.Robert: +84 981 217 643 (Robert@quetienthanh.com)
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