Origin of Cinnamon Cassia

The cassia cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum, Cinnamomum cassia) , is also known as Chinese cinnamon, comes from a tree native to southern China, Bangladesh, India and Vietnam where the dried bark is used as a spice.

Cinnamon varieties:

Ceylon cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum or C. verum), with a fine and delicate bark whose canes are shaped like a book, has a sweet, aromatic, slightly bitter and astringent smell. It is the most used in Europe.

Chinese Cinnamon or Cassia (Cinamomun Cassia or C. Aromaticum), comes from China and Indonesia. It is thicker and harder than that of Ceylon, the canes only have one layer. Its aroma is sweeter and cloying than Ceylon and slightly spicier. It is widely used in America due to its spicy taste.

Java cinnamon (Cinnamomun burmannii or Cassia vera), is produced in the area of ​​Burma and Java, its bark is darker and thicker than that of Ceylon, with a similar flavor and aroma, it lacks its softness.

Indian cinnamon (Cinamomin tañiala), from the southern Himalayas, has a very strong flavor and is used mainly in the preparation of non-sweet dishes.

Cinnamon White or Malambo (Canella alba Murr or Canella winteriana), belongs to the family of the Caneláceas, not of the Lauráceas. It comes from the Antilles and is very abundant throughout the Caribbean, its bark is white and aromatic, it has a smell similar to Ceylon cinnamon and a spicy flavor.

Vietnamese cinnamon (Cinnamomum loureiroi), also known as Vietnamese cassia or Saigon cinnamon.Is a fragrant spice harvested from the Cinnamomum loureiroi tree. It is known for its strong, spicy-sweet aroma, and is commonly used to add warmth and depth of flavor to foods and beverages.

Cassia cinnamon is rare in Europe, but in the Americas it is much more widely used than Ceylon cinnamon . Although its properties are similar to that of Ceylon, it is not as aromatic and offers a less delicate flavor and something more spicy.

The Cinnamon cassia Molida is generally used in the preparation of desserts, while whole is used to decorate and flavor some dishes.

In Mexico and Colombia, cassia cinnamon is used in cinnamon tea, which results from putting some cinnamon sticks to boil in water until the infusion is obtained, adding sugar to taste.

In Spain, cassia cinnamon is used as a spice in some traditional dishes, such as the black pudding from Aranda, a variety of the black pudding from Burgos.

It is also an ingredient in many curry sauces and other dishes from the East such as Garam Massala where the Ceylon and Chinese varieties are used, in addition to the powder and leaves of cinnamon.

The cassia cinnamon blends well with anise, vanilla, ginger, cardamom and pepper.

The use of  cassia cinnamon should be moderate since it can be too spicy and in large doses it can be harmful to health.

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Tel :    +84-21-62201888   Phone/WhatsApp/Zalo: +84 383 234 316

Website: vietnamesecinnamon.com



Office: Cau Vai Village, Mau Dong Commune, Van Yen District, Yen Bai Province, Vietnam.

Factory: Minh Khai Village, Quang Minh Commune, Van Yen District, Yen Bai Province, Vietnam.

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